Platinum Pack of 38 Soft Skills Packs with 287 Items & Diamond Pack of 12 Packs with 110 Newly Developed PPT’s

Ready made Soft Skills Training Material 

Platinum Pack of 38 Soft Skills Packs with 287 Items & Diamond Pack of 12 Packs with 110 Newly Developed PPT’s

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As compared to others our Soft Skills Training Materials are:

  1. Designed and Developed by Shabbar Suterwala, with 25+ Years of Corporate Soft Skills Training Experience.
  2. You can use this material directly in your Soft Skills Training Program.
  3. You can also edit this material as per your Training needs.
  4. Budget Friendly Soft Skills Training Packs.
  5. Ideally for Aspiring Soft Skills Trainers, Life Coaches, Personality Development Trainers, School and College Teachers, HR Managers, Visiting Faculties of Management Institute.

List of Soft Skills Training Materials

Newly launched Diamond Pack starting @ just ₹500 per PPT

BU7-Call Centre Training – Phone Etiquette
BU8-Team Management

Buy Business Pack Now for $35 $20

CS7-Don’t Say YES when you want to say NO

EI2-Tips for Becoming Emotionally Intelligent


LF2-The-Top 5-Regrets-of-the-Dying

MA2-Mistakes Couples make in Married Relationship
MA3-How to Live and Celebrate Everyday as Valentine Day

MC3-The Secret-of-3-Minds-The-Rational-Emotional-and-Wise


PA4-Parents-Child Communication
PA5-Challenges Teenagers Face
PA6-Parents How to Deal with Rude & Disrespectful Teenager
PA7-How to Help your Teenager Succeed

PD9-Who Moved my Cheese
PD11–Life Changing Stories

ST3-Mastering Memory


Platinum Pack

1. A1 How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude – 24 slides PPT
2. A2 Positive Attitude at Work – 53 slides PPT
3. A3 Attitude a Matter of Choice – 33 slides PPT
4. A4 Being Proactive – 27 slides PPT
5. A5 Positive Mental Attitude – Pre & Post Evaluation – Evaluation
6. A6 Developing Positive Attitude – Tips & Suggestions Tips
7. A7 Pinch of Positive Reinforcement – Case Study
8. A8 Attitude is Everything – Activity
9. A9 Building Positive Attitude using Affirmations – Activity
10. A10 The Maths Challenge – Activity
11. A11 What Matters is your Attitude – Story

12. AS1 Assertiveness Skills – 50 slides PPT
13. AS2 Don’t say YES when you want to say NO – 13 slides PPT
14. AS3 Assertiveness Questionnaire – Questionnaire
15. AS4 Assertiveness Which is Which Quiz – Exercise
16. AS5 Assertiveness Skills Role Play – Role Play
17. AS6 Giving and Receiving Criticism – Role Play
18. AS7 20 Ways to say NO without feeling Guilty – Tips

19. B1 Entrepreneurship – 20 slides PPT
20. B2 How to Move From Job to Business – 24 slides PPT
21. B3 Improving and Developing Your Business – 31 slides PPT
22. B4 Small things that Make a Big Difference in Business – 13 slides PPT
23. B5 How to Succeed in MLM Business – 23 slides PPT
24.B6 The Financial Freedom Rich vs. Poor – 15 slides PPT
25. B7 Business Skills Checklist & Questionnaire – Exercise

26. BE1 Corporate Grooming and Table Manners – 30 slides PPT
27. BE2 Professional Business and Corporate Office Etiquette – 34 slides PPT
28. BE3 All about the Handshake – 20 slides PPT
29. BE4 Business General & Table Manners – Exercise
30. BE5 Test your Business Etiquette – Test

31. CG1 Change is the only way forward – 25 slides PPT
32. CG2 Change your Miindset.ppt – 36slides PPT
33. CG3 Changing & Learning New Habits – 39 slides PPT
34. CG4 Change Orientation – 26 slides PPT
35. CG5 The Square Resource. A Change Management Activity – Activity
36. CG6-Five Ice-Breakers for Change Management Training – Avtivity

37. CH1 Coaching Skills – 34 slides PPT
38. CH2 Difference between Coaching & Mentoring – 14 slides PPT
39. CH3 Coaching Skills Self Assessment – Assessment
40. CH4 Coaching Worksheet GROW Model – Worksheet
41. CH5 Your Dominant Mentoring Style Self Assessment – Assessment
42. CH6 Coaching Case Study Moving towards Effectiveness – Case Study
43. CH7 What and How of Mentoring – 38 slides PPT

44. CM1 Conflict Management Basics – 14 slides PPT
45. CM2 Conflict Resolution at Workplace – 34 slides PPT
46. CM3 Four Steps to Conflict Resolution for Managers – 16 slides PPT
47. CM4 How to Solve an Argument – 19 slides PPT
48. CM5 Conflict Resolution Questionnaire & Style Exercise – Exercise
49. CM6 The Cases of Misunderstanding & Conflicts – Case Study

50. CR1 Creativity & Problem Solving – 29 slides PPT
51. CR2 Ten Practical Tips to Solving Problems – 14 slides PPT

52. CS1 Basic Communication Skills – 21slides PPT
53. CS2 Excellence in Communication Skills – 45 slides PPT
54. CS3 Essentials-of-Business-Communication Skills – 100 slides PPT
55. CS4 The 7 C’s of Communication Speaking & Expressing – 35 slides PPT
56. CS5 Communication Styles – 25 slides PPT
57. CS6-Humour in Communication – 51 slides PPT
58. CS7 Telephone Skills & Etiquette – 33 slides PPT
59. CS8 Questioning Skills in Communication – 29 slides PPT
60. CS9 20 Exercises and Activities for Communication Skills – 25 slides PPT
61. CS10 Speaking Effectively – 49 slides PPT
62. CS11 How Good is your Communication – Evaluation
63. CS12 Articulation Exercise – Exercise
64. CS13 Profile of Communicator Exercise – Exercise
65. CS14 Executive Assistant Sandra and Job Instructions – Case Study
66. CS15 Articulation of Shylesh – The GET – Case Study
67. CS16 Late Latif & Punctual Pratik Mgr.Subordinate Communication – Case Study
68. CS17 Telephone Skills & Etiquette – Role Play
69. CS18 Business Communication -Big Boss & Manager – Role Play
70. CS19 Project Leader & Team Member Communication – Case Study

71. CSL1 LISTENING the most neglected in Communication – 17 slides PPT
72. CSL2 Flaws in Listening – 15 slides PPT
73. CSL3 Talk Less Listen More – 22 slides PPT
74. CSL4 Hard Work & Smart Work a Listening Challenge – Exercise
75. CSL5 How Good a Listener are you? – Exercise

76. CSN1 Body Language the Non Verbal Power – 43 slides PPT
77. CSN2 Practical Observations in Non Verbal Communication – 20 slides PPT
78. CSN3 Body Language Essentials – Activity
79. CSN4 Clusters of Body Language – Exercise
80. CSN5 Body Language Speaks for itself Exercise – Activity
81. CSN6-Can you Guess the Gestures – Activity

82. CSW1 Business Writing Skills – 49 slides PPT
83. CSW2 Business Writing eMail Etiquette – 13 slides PPT
84. CSW3 Report Writing.ppt – 25 slides PPT
85. CSW4 Precise Writing.ppt – 10 slides PPT
86. CSW5 Writing Effectively – 27 slides PPT
87. CSW6 Common Grammatical Errors Corrected – Exercise

88. CUS1 Excellence in Customer Service – 29 slides PPT
89. CUS2 Customer Relationship Management.ppt – 17 slides PPT
90. CUS3 Customer Orientation – 16 slides PPT
91. CUS4 How Customer Friendly You Are Questionnaire – Questionnaire
92. CUS5 Customer Service Cases – Case Study
93. CUS6 Responding to Internal Customers Cases – Case Study

94. GS1 SMART Goal Setting – 49 slides PPT
95. GS2 Target Orientation – 20 slides PPT
96. GS3 Steps to Goal Setting – 15 slides PPT
97. GS4 Blue Print for Success Goal Sheet & Action Plan Exercise – Worksheet
98. GS5 Goal Setting Questionnaire – Questionnaire

99. IP1 Interpersonal Skills – 30 slides PPT
100. IP2 Barriers to Interpersonal Communication – 14 slides PPT
101. IP3 Communication with an Angry Person – 13 slides PPT
102. IP4 Emotional Intelligence Core Competency Framework – 28 slides PPT
103. IP5 Golden Principles of Human Relationship – 16 slides PPT
104. IP6 Understanding Yourself and Others MBTI – 48 slides PPT
105. IP7 Interpersonal Behaviour Style – Evaluation
106. IP8 Emotional Quotient Test your EQ Level – Test
107. IP9 Emotional Quotient Feelings DEEP DOWN Exercise – Exercise
108. IP10 Case Study on Interpersonal Effectiveness – Case Study
109. IP11 How to Win Friends & Influence People – 7 slides PPT

110. IT1 Excellence in Interviews – 20 slides PPT
111. IT2 The Art and Science of an Interview – 21 slides PPT
112. IT3-FAQ in Interviews & Behavioural Interviews – Tips
113. IT4-Preparing a CV – Resume – 21 slides PPT
114. IT5 Strategies for GD – 17 slides PPT
115. IT6 From Campus to Corporate – 34 slides PPT
116. IT7 Introduction to Soft Skills – 22 slides PPT

117. LA1 Leading, Inspiring & Mentoring for Higher Performance – 32 slides PPT
118. LA2 Excellence in Leadership with Cases & Examples – 52 slides PPT
119. LA3 Attributes for Excellence in Leadership – 25 slides PPT
120. LA4 Power & Leadership – 20 slides PPT
121. LA5 Situational Leadership Skills – 24 slides PPT
122. LA6 From Caterpillars to Butterflies – Training Activity – 10 slides PPT
123. LA7 LEAD Leader Effectiveness Self Analysis – Evaluation
124. LA8 Situational Leadership Cases – Case Study
125. LA9 Case Study of Dadabhai’s Leadership – Case Study
126. LA10 The 7 Habits – 28 slides PPT

127. LB1 Various Leadership Styles, Skills & Traits – 47 slides PPT
128. LB2 Driving towards Leadership – 19 slides PPT
129. LB3 Traits of a Leader by APJ Abdul Kalam – 13 slides PPT
130. LB4 Obama and Winning Lessons of Leadership – 23 slides PPT
131. LB5 A TO Z Traits of a Leader – 30 slides PPT
132. LB6 Leadership thoughts by the Leaders – 36 slides PPT
133. LB7 Unleash the Leader in you – 23 slides PPT
134. LB8 Basic Models of Leadership – 39 slides PPT
135. LB9 Leadership Style Self Assessment – Assessment
136. LB10 Leadership Style Survey – Assessment
137. LB11 Leading vs. Managing – Test
138. LB12 Transactional vs. Transformational Style – Exercise

139. LF1 SIMPLE LETTERS – 11 slides PPT
140. LF2 Essentials of Life – 21 slides PPT
141 . LF3 Don’ts and Do’s of Life – 13 slides PPT
142. LF4 The Death Bed and The Dream – 10 slides PPT
143. LF5 Attitude of Gratitude – 15 slides PPT

144. MC1 Mind Power The Subconscious Mind – 28 slides PPT
145. MC2 Money Visualization See & Listen – 22 slides PPT
146. MC3 Empowering Affirmations for Time Management – 38 slides PPT
147. MC4 Think Feel Be Healthy – 22 slides PPT
148. MC5 The Limiting Belief System – 25 slides PPT
149. MC6 Affirmation for Health – 19 slides PPT
150. MC7 Mental House Cleaning Exercise – Exercise
151. MC8 Mindset Exercises – Exercises

152. MGR1 Effective Managerial Skills – 63 slides PPT
153. MGR2 What & How of Managerial Skills – 23 slides PPT
154. MGR3 Managerial Matrix Survey – Assessment
155. MGR4 Managerial Skill – Making Things Happen Exercise – Questionnaire
156. MGR5 Rajesh the Rowdy Manager – Case Study – Case Study
157. MGR6 The Casual Attitude Case for Managers Challenge – Case Study
158. MGR7 The Fish Philosophy – 19 slides PPT
159. MGR8 Conducting Effective Meetings -Detailed – 46 slides PPT
160. MGR9 Conducting Effective Meetings in 9 Steps – 12 slides PPT
161. MGR10 Supervisory Development-Skills – 29 slides PPT

162. MQ1 Quotes from Famous Personalities to Remember – 46 slides PPT
163. MQ2 Time Managementor Screen Saver Quotes – 33 slides PPT
164. MQ3 Quotes on Time Management – 69 slides PPT
165. MQ4 Quotes on Employee Motivation – 30 slides PPT
166. MQ5 Business Leaders Quote Unquote – 17 slides PPT
167. MQ6 Quotable Quotes – 29 slides PPT
168. MQ7 Quotes on Customer Service – 21 slides PPT

169. NG1 Negotiation Skills – 29 slides PPT
170. NG2 Types of Negotiation Strategies I – 25 slides PPT
171. NG3 Types of Negotiation Strategies II – 20 slides PPT
172. NG4 Negotiation Skills Style Profile Instrument – Assessment
173. NG5 Role Play Buying & Selling a Car – Role Play

174. NLP1 Comprehensive Introduction to NLP – 24 slides PPT
175. NLP2 Anchoring – 27 slides PPT
176. NLP3 Deletion Distortion & Generalization Exercise – Exercise
177. NLP4 VAK Learning Styles Self Assessment Questionnaire – Assessment
178. NLP5 NLP Vocabulary List – Tips

179. PD1 Personality Development – 42 slides PPT
180. PD2 Personality Development Advance – 52 slides PPT
181. PD3 Personality Test You and Others – Test
182. PD4 Personality Development House Cleaning – Exercise
183. PD5 Personality Test Cognitive Style Inventory – Assessment
184. PD6 Personal Effectiveness – 45 slides PPT
185. PD7 Personal Effectiveness Instrument – Assessment
186. PD8 Personal Effectiveness Questionnaire – Questionnaire
187. PD9 Transaction Analysis – Understanding Personality Tool – 71 slides PPT
188. PD10 The Johari Window – Personality Diagnosis – Activity
189. PD11 The Johari Window Presentation – 18 slides PPT
190. PD12 Exploring the Blind & Hidden Areas of Johari Window – Activity
191. PD13 Personality Secrets of Successful People – 16 slides PPT
192. PD14 Soft Skills Training – 52 slides PPT

193. PO1 Planning & Organizing Skills – 38 slides PPT
194. PO2 The 5S Process – 15 slides PPT

195. PP1 Parents Communication with Teenagers – 27 slides PPT
196. PP2 Teenagers Communication with Parents – 13 slides PPT
197. PP3 Tips for Positive Parenting – 27 slides PPT

198. PS1 Business Presentation Skills – 44 slides PPT
199. PS2 Overcoming Shyness & Speaking with Confidence – 54 slides PPT
200. PS3 Creating a Powerful Elevator Speech – 16 slides PPT
201. PS4 Quick Tips for Making a Public Presentation – 23 slides PPT
202. PS5 Presentation Planning Exercise – Exercise
203. PS6 Presentation Skills Questionnaire – Questionnaire
204. PS7 Public Speaking eBook – PDF

205. SC1 How to Develop Self Confidence – 25 slides PPT
206. SC2 How to Develop your Self Esteem – 21 slides PPT
207. SC3 Self Esteem Talking to your Feelings – Exercise
208. SC4 Self Image Guide & Evaluation – Evaluation
209. SC5 Self Image Questionnaire – Questionnaire
210. SC6 Doing your SWOT Analysis – Exercise
211. SC7 SWOT Analysis Presentation – 17 slides PPT

212. SL1 Selling Skills The Complete Sales Process – 83 slides PPT
213. SL2 Sales Motivational Training Program – 38 slides PPT
214. SL3 Top Motivational Recharge for Sales Force – 20 slides PPT
215. SL4 Sales Motivation Session – 23 slides PPT
216. SL5 Selling Skills Development Exercises – Exercise

217. SM1 Bust the Stress – 54 slides PPT
218. SM2 Work Life Balance – 37 slides PPT
219. SM3 Time Management for Stress Management – 23 slides PPT
220. SM4 Excelling Performance even under Pressure – 52 slides PPT
221. SM5 Anger Management – 28 slides PPT
222. SM6 Ten Ways to Feel Miserable – 14 slides PPT
223. SM7 Pre Training Test Symptoms of Stress – Test
224. SM8 Are you Stressed Out Exercise – Exercise
225. SM9 Draining Anger Management Activity – Activity
226. SM10 Stressed Kaamlal Stress Management Case Study – Case Study
227. SM11 Worksheet Dealing with Anger – Worksheet

228. ST1 The 7 Habits of Smart Students – 33 slides PPT
229. ST2 Time Management for Students – 34 slides PPT
230. ST3 Multiple Intelligence for Students and Teachers – 74 slides PPT
231. ST4 How to Deal with Exam Stress-Tips for Students & Parents – 31 slides PPT
232. ST5 Improving Concentration – Guidelines – Tips
233. ST6 Tips on How to Remember – Tips
234. ST7 Study Skills Checklist – Exercise
235. ST8 Career Guidance Motivation for Students – 21 slides PPT

236. SU1 Rebirth of an Eagle – 23 slides PPT
237. SU2 The Winning formula – 13 slides PPT
238. SU3 Yes I Can Yes I Will – 28 slides PPT
239. SU4 Motivational Ideas to Motivate your People – 28 slides PPT
240. SU5 Fifteen Power Tips to Self Motivation – 20 slides PPT
241. SU6 New Little Things in Life – 14 slides PPT
242. SU7 Meaning of Failure – 13 slides PPT
243. SU8 What Great People think about Failure – 20 slides PPT
244. SU9 Take Risk – 10 slides PPT
245. SU10 Risk Is it in you – 31 slides PPT
246. SU11 Inspirational story of the Butterfly – 13 slides PPT

247. TM1 Effective Time Management – 24 slides PPT
248. TM2 Time Management Strategies – 30 slides PPT
249. TM3 Top Time Wasters in Prof.Life & How to overcome – 22 slides PPT
250. TM4 Procrastination A Disease of Time Mgt – 13 slides PPT
251. TM5 Myths of Time Management – 10 slides PPT
252. TM6 Pre & Post Training Time Management Questionnaire – Questionnaire
253. TM7 Post Training Evaluation of participant by Manager – Evaluation
254. TM8 Time Management Auditing Exercise – Exercise
255. TM9 Profile of Time Wasters – Exercise
256. TM10 Who is Controlling your Time Management Exercise – Exercise
257. TM11 How you Spend your Time & Skills Set Time Management Exercise – Exercise
258. TM12 Check your Time Management Exercise – Exercise
259. TM13 Urgent vs. Important Time Management Exercise – Exercise
260. TM14 The Urgency Index Time Management Exercise – Exercise
261. TM15 What is your Working Style Time Management Exercise – Exercise
262. TM16 Time Log & 4 Quadrants Worksheet – Worksheet
263. TM17 The Frustrated Supervisor Time Management Case Study – Case Study
264. TM18 Time Management Cases – Case Study
265. TM19 Important and Urgent Time Management Activity – Activity

266. TTT1 Train the Trainer – 57 slides PPT
267. TTT2 How to Analyze Plan Design and Develop an Effective Training Program – 21 slides PPT
268. TTT3 35-Commandments-Qualities & Traits Essential for a Trainer – 37 slides PPT
269. TTT4 The Effective Teacher from Good to Great – 28 slides PPT
270. TTT5 Train the Trainer – Trainers Assessment – Assessment

271. TTTG1 Tips for Trainer to conduct Training Games and Activities- PDF
272. TTTG2 100 Energizing Ice Breakers for all occasions – PDF
273. TTTG3 Five Training Activities for Team Work – PDF
274. TTTG4 Five Training Activities for Communication SkillS – PDF

275. TTTS1 Stories for Trainers Learning from Wisdom Stories – PDF
276. TTTS2 Stories for Trainers Learning from Animals – PDF
277. TTTS3 Fifty Motivational & Inspirational Stories that Coach – PDF
278. TTTS4 Short Stories with Wisdom – 15 slides PPT

279. TW1 Synergy Creates Energy Working Together as a Team – 51 slides PPT
280. TW2 Building Stronger & Successful Teams – 26 slides PPT
281. TW3 Building Team Trust & Team Performance – 34 slides PPT
282. TW4 Unleashing Synergy through Team Working – 29 slides PPT
283. TW5 Inspirational Team Work Posters – 17 slides PPT
284. TW6 Ten Commandments for Collaborative Team Work – 19 slides PPT
285. TW7 Team Stages Evolution – Questionnaire
286. TW8 Teamwork Case Studies – Case Study
287. TW9 Johari Window Blind Spots Teamwork Activity – Activity

List of Soft Skills Training Materials

1. A1 How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude – 24 slides PPT
2. A2 Positive Attitude at Work – 53 slides PPT
3. A3 Attitude a Matter of Choice – 33 slides PPT
4. A4 Being Proactive – 27 slides PPT
5. A5 Positive Mental Attitude – Pre & Post Evaluation – Evaluation
6. A6 Developing Positive Attitude – Tips & Suggestions Tips
7. A7 Pinch of Positive Reinforcement – Case Study
8. A8 Attitude is Everything – Activity
9. A9 Building Positive Attitude using Affirmations – Activity
10. A10 The Maths Challenge – Activity
11. A11 What Matters is your Attitude – Story

12. AS1 Assertiveness Skills – 50 slides PPT
13. AS2 Don’t say YES when you want to say NO – 13 slides PPT
14. AS3 Assertiveness Questionnaire – Questionnaire
15. AS4 Assertiveness Which is Which Quiz – Exercise
16. AS5 Assertiveness Skills Role Play – Role Play
17. AS6 Giving and Receiving Criticism – Role Play
18. AS7 20 Ways to say NO without feeling Guilty – Tips

19. B1 Entrepreneurship – 20 slides PPT
20. B2 How to Move From Job to Business – 24 slides PPT
21. B3 Improving and Developing Your Business – 31 slides PPT
22. B4 Small things that Make a Big Difference in Business – 13 slides PPT
23. B5 How to Succeed in MLM Business – 23 slides PPT
24.B6 The Financial Freedom Rich vs. Poor – 15 slides PPT
25. B7 Business Skills Checklist & Questionnaire – Exercise

26. BE1 Corporate Grooming and Table Manners – 30 slides PPT
27. BE2 Professional Business and Corporate Office Etiquette – 34 slides PPT
28. BE3 All about the Handshake – 20 slides PPT
29. BE4 Business General & Table Manners – Exercise
30. BE5 Test your Business Etiquette – Test

31. CG1 Change is the only way forward – 25 slides PPT
32. CG2 Change your Miindset.ppt – 36slides PPT
33. CG3 Changing & Learning New Habits – 39 slides PPT
34. CG4 Change Orientation – 26 slides PPT
35. CG5 The Square Resource. A Change Management Activity – Activity
36. CG6-Five Ice-Breakers for Change Management Training – Avtivity

37. CH1 Coaching Skills – 34 slides PPT
38. CH2 Difference between Coaching & Mentoring – 14 slides PPT
39. CH3 Coaching Skills Self Assessment – Assessment
40. CH4 Coaching Worksheet GROW Model – Worksheet
41. CH5 Your Dominant Mentoring Style Self Assessment – Assessment
42. CH6 Coaching Case Study Moving towards Effectiveness – Case Study
43. CH7 What and How of Mentoring – 38 slides PPT

44. CM1 Conflict Management Basics – 14 slides PPT
45. CM2 Conflict Resolution at Workplace – 34 slides PPT
46. CM3 Four Steps to Conflict Resolution for Managers – 16 slides PPT
47. CM4 How to Solve an Argument – 19 slides PPT
48. CM5 Conflict Resolution Questionnaire & Style Exercise – Exercise
49. CM6 The Cases of Misunderstanding & Conflicts – Case Study

50. CR1 Creativity & Problem Solving – 29 slides PPT
51. CR2 Ten Practical Tips to Solving Problems – 14 slides PPT

52. CS1 Basic Communication Skills – 21slides PPT
53. CS2 Excellence in Communication Skills – 45 slides PPT
54. CS3 Essentials-of-Business-Communication Skills – 100 slides PPT
55. CS4 The 7 C’s of Communication Speaking & Expressing – 35 slides PPT
56. CS5 Communication Styles – 25 slides PPT
57. CS6-Humour in Communication – 51 slides PPT
58. CS7 Telephone Skills & Etiquette – 33 slides PPT
59. CS8 Questioning Skills in Communication – 29 slides PPT
60. CS9 20 Exercises and Activities for Communication Skills – 25 slides PPT
61. CS10 Speaking Effectively – 49 slides PPT
62. CS11 How Good is your Communication – Evaluation
63. CS12 Articulation Exercise – Exercise
64. CS13 Profile of Communicator Exercise – Exercise
65. CS14 Executive Assistant Sandra and Job Instructions – Case Study
66. CS15 Articulation of Shylesh – The GET – Case Study
67. CS16 Late Latif & Punctual Pratik Mgr.Subordinate Communication – Case Study
68. CS17 Telephone Skills & Etiquette – Role Play
69. CS18 Business Communication -Big Boss & Manager – Role Play
70. CS19 Project Leader & Team Member Communication – Case Study

71. CSL1 LISTENING the most neglected in Communication – 17 slides PPT
72. CSL2 Flaws in Listening – 15 slides PPT
73. CSL3 Talk Less Listen More – 22 slides PPT
74. CSL4 Hard Work & Smart Work a Listening Challenge – Exercise
75. CSL5 How Good a Listener are you? – Exercise

76. CSN1 Body Language the Non Verbal Power – 43 slides PPT
77. CSN2 Practical Observations in Non Verbal Communication – 20 slides PPT
78. CSN3 Body Language Essentials – Activity
79. CSN4 Clusters of Body Language – Exercise
80. CSN5 Body Language Speaks for itself Exercise – Activity
81. CSN6-Can you Guess the Gestures – Activity

82. CSW1 Business Writing Skills – 49 slides PPT
83. CSW2 Business Writing eMail Etiquette – 13 slides PPT
84. CSW3 Report Writing.ppt – 25 slides PPT
85. CSW4 Precise Writing.ppt – 10 slides PPT
86. CSW5 Writing Effectively – 27 slides PPT
87. CSW6 Common Grammatical Errors Corrected – Exercise

88. CUS1 Excellence in Customer Service – 29 slides PPT
89. CUS2 Customer Relationship Management.ppt – 17 slides PPT
90. CUS3 Customer Orientation – 16 slides PPT
91. CUS4 How Customer Friendly You Are Questionnaire – Questionnaire
92. CUS5 Customer Service Cases – Case Study
93. CUS6 Responding to Internal Customers Cases – Case Study

94. GS1 SMART Goal Setting – 49 slides PPT
95. GS2 Target Orientation – 20 slides PPT
96. GS3 Steps to Goal Setting – 15 slides PPT
97. GS4 Blue Print for Success Goal Sheet & Action Plan Exercise – Worksheet
98. GS5 Goal Setting Questionnaire – Questionnaire

99. IP1 Interpersonal Skills – 30 slides PPT
100. IP2 Barriers to Interpersonal Communication – 14 slides PPT
101. IP3 Communication with an Angry Person – 13 slides PPT
102. IP4 Emotional Intelligence Core Competency Framework – 28 slides PPT
103. IP5 Golden Principles of Human Relationship – 16 slides PPT
104. IP6 Understanding Yourself and Others MBTI – 48 slides PPT
105. IP7 Interpersonal Behaviour Style – Evaluation
106. IP8 Emotional Quotient Test your EQ Level – Test
107. IP9 Emotional Quotient Feelings DEEP DOWN Exercise – Exercise
108. IP10 Case Study on Interpersonal Effectiveness – Case Study
109. IP11 How to Win Friends & Influence People – 7 slides PPT

110. IT1 Excellence in Interviews – 20 slides PPT
111. IT2 The Art and Science of an Interview – 21 slides PPT
112. IT3-FAQ in Interviews & Behavioural Interviews – Tips
113. IT4-Preparing a CV – Resume – 21 slides PPT
114. IT5 Strategies for GD – 17 slides PPT
115. IT6 From Campus to Corporate – 34 slides PPT
116. IT7 Introduction to Soft Skills – 22 slides PPT

117. LA1 Leading, Inspiring & Mentoring for Higher Performance – 32 slides PPT
118. LA2 Excellence in Leadership with Cases & Examples – 52 slides PPT
119. LA3 Attributes for Excellence in Leadership – 25 slides PPT
120. LA4 Power & Leadership – 20 slides PPT
121. LA5 Situational Leadership Skills – 24 slides PPT
122. LA6 From Caterpillars to Butterflies – Training Activity – 10 slides PPT
123. LA7 LEAD Leader Effectiveness Self Analysis – Evaluation
124. LA8 Situational Leadership Cases – Case Study
125. LA9 Case Study of Dadabhai’s Leadership – Case Study
126. LA10 The 7 Habits – 28 slides PPT

127. LB1 Various Leadership Styles, Skills & Traits – 47 slides PPT
128. LB2 Driving towards Leadership – 19 slides PPT
129. LB3 Traits of a Leader by APJ Abdul Kalam – 13 slides PPT
130. LB4 Obama and Winning Lessons of Leadership – 23 slides PPT
131. LB5 A TO Z Traits of a Leader – 30 slides PPT
132. LB6 Leadership thoughts by the Leaders – 36 slides PPT
133. LB7 Unleash the Leader in you – 23 slides PPT
134. LB8 Basic Models of Leadership – 39 slides PPT
135. LB9 Leadership Style Self Assessment – Assessment
136. LB10 Leadership Style Survey – Assessment
137. LB11 Leading vs. Managing – Test
138. LB12 Transactional vs. Transformational Style – Exercise

139. LF1 SIMPLE LETTERS – 11 slides PPT
140. LF2 Essentials of Life – 21 slides PPT
141 . LF3 Don’ts and Do’s of Life – 13 slides PPT
142. LF4 The Death Bed and The Dream – 10 slides PPT
143. LF5 Attitude of Gratitude – 15 slides PPT

144. MC1 Mind Power The Subconscious Mind – 28 slides PPT
145. MC2 Money Visualization See & Listen – 22 slides PPT
146. MC3 Empowering Affirmations for Time Management – 38 slides PPT
147. MC4 Think Feel Be Healthy – 22 slides PPT
148. MC5 The Limiting Belief System – 25 slides PPT
149. MC6 Affirmation for Health – 19 slides PPT
150. MC7 Mental House Cleaning Exercise – Exercise
151. MC8 Mindset Exercises – Exercises

152. MGR1 Effective Managerial Skills – 63 slides PPT
153. MGR2 What & How of Managerial Skills – 23 slides PPT
154. MGR3 Managerial Matrix Survey – Assessment
155. MGR4 Managerial Skill – Making Things Happen Exercise – Questionnaire
156. MGR5 Rajesh the Rowdy Manager – Case Study – Case Study
157. MGR6 The Casual Attitude Case for Managers Challenge – Case Study
158. MGR7 The Fish Philosophy – 19 slides PPT
159. MGR8 Conducting Effective Meetings -Detailed – 46 slides PPT
160. MGR9 Conducting Effective Meetings in 9 Steps – 12 slides PPT
161. MGR10 Supervisory Development-Skills – 29 slides PPT

162. MQ1 Quotes from Famous Personalities to Remember – 46 slides PPT
163. MQ2 Time Managementor Screen Saver Quotes – 33 slides PPT
164. MQ3 Quotes on Time Management – 69 slides PPT
165. MQ4 Quotes on Employee Motivation – 30 slides PPT
166. MQ5 Business Leaders Quote Unquote – 17 slides PPT
167. MQ6 Quotable Quotes – 29 slides PPT
168. MQ7 Quotes on Customer Service – 21 slides PPT

169. NG1 Negotiation Skills – 29 slides PPT
170. NG2 Types of Negotiation Strategies I – 25 slides PPT
171. NG3 Types of Negotiation Strategies II – 20 slides PPT
172. NG4 Negotiation Skills Style Profile Instrument – Assessment
173. NG5 Role Play Buying & Selling a Car – Role Play

174. NLP1 Comprehensive Introduction to NLP – 24 slides PPT
175. NLP2 Anchoring – 27 slides PPT
176. NLP3 Deletion Distortion & Generalization Exercise – Exercise
177. NLP4 VAK Learning Styles Self Assessment Questionnaire – Assessment
178. NLP5 NLP Vocabulary List – Tips

179. PD1 Personality Development – 42 slides PPT
180. PD2 Personality Development Advance – 52 slides PPT
181. PD3 Personality Test You and Others – Test
182. PD4 Personality Development House Cleaning – Exercise
183. PD5 Personality Test Cognitive Style Inventory – Assessment
184. PD6 Personal Effectiveness – 45 slides PPT
185. PD7 Personal Effectiveness Instrument – Assessment
186. PD8 Personal Effectiveness Questionnaire – Questionnaire
187. PD9 Transaction Analysis – Understanding Personality Tool – 71 slides PPT
188. PD10 The Johari Window – Personality Diagnosis – Activity
189. PD11 The Johari Window Presentation – 18 slides PPT
190. PD12 Exploring the Blind & Hidden Areas of Johari Window – Activity
191. PD13 Personality Secrets of Successful People – 16 slides PPT
192. PD14 Soft Skills Training – 52 slides PPT

193. PO1 Planning & Organizing Skills – 38 slides PPT
194. PO2 The 5S Process – 15 slides PPT

195. PP1 Parents Communication with Teenagers – 27 slides PPT
196. PP2 Teenagers Communication with Parents – 13 slides PPT
197. PP3 Tips for Positive Parenting – 27 slides PPT

198. PS1 Business Presentation Skills – 44 slides PPT
199. PS2 Overcoming Shyness & Speaking with Confidence – 54 slides PPT
200. PS3 Creating a Powerful Elevator Speech – 16 slides PPT
201. PS4 Quick Tips for Making a Public Presentation – 23 slides PPT
202. PS5 Presentation Planning Exercise – Exercise
203. PS6 Presentation Skills Questionnaire – Questionnaire
204. PS7 Public Speaking eBook – PDF

205. SC1 How to Develop Self Confidence – 25 slides PPT
206. SC2 How to Develop your Self Esteem – 21 slides PPT
207. SC3 Self Esteem Talking to your Feelings – Exercise
208. SC4 Self Image Guide & Evaluation – Evaluation
209. SC5 Self Image Questionnaire – Questionnaire
210. SC6 Doing your SWOT Analysis – Exercise
211. SC7 SWOT Analysis Presentation – 17 slides PPT

212. SL1 Selling Skills The Complete Sales Process – 83 slides PPT
213. SL2 Sales Motivational Training Program – 38 slides PPT
214. SL3 Top Motivational Recharge for Sales Force – 20 slides PPT
215. SL4 Sales Motivation Session – 23 slides PPT
216. SL5 Selling Skills Development Exercises – Exercise

217. SM1 Bust the Stress – 54 slides PPT
218. SM2 Work Life Balance – 37 slides PPT
219. SM3 Time Management for Stress Management – 23 slides PPT
220. SM4 Excelling Performance even under Pressure – 52 slides PPT
221. SM5 Anger Management – 28 slides PPT
222. SM6 Ten Ways to Feel Miserable – 14 slides PPT
223. SM7 Pre Training Test Symptoms of Stress – Test
224. SM8 Are you Stressed Out Exercise – Exercise
225. SM9 Draining Anger Management Activity – Activity
226. SM10 Stressed Kaamlal Stress Management Case Study – Case Study
227. SM11 Worksheet Dealing with Anger – Worksheet

228. ST1 The 7 Habits of Smart Students – 33 slides PPT
229. ST2 Time Management for Students – 34 slides PPT
230. ST3 Multiple Intelligence for Students and Teachers – 74 slides PPT
231. ST4 How to Deal with Exam Stress-Tips for Students & Parents – 31 slides PPT
232. ST5 Improving Concentration – Guidelines – Tips
233. ST6 Tips on How to Remember – Tips
234. ST7 Study Skills Checklist – Exercise
235. ST8 Career Guidance Motivation for Students – 21 slides PPT

236. SU1 Rebirth of an Eagle – 23 slides PPT
237. SU2 The Winning formula – 13 slides PPT
238. SU3 Yes I Can Yes I Will – 28 slides PPT
239. SU4 Motivational Ideas to Motivate your People – 28 slides PPT
240. SU5 Fifteen Power Tips to Self Motivation – 20 slides PPT
241. SU6 New Little Things in Life – 14 slides PPT
242. SU7 Meaning of Failure – 13 slides PPT
243. SU8 What Great People think about Failure – 20 slides PPT
244. SU9 Take Risk – 10 slides PPT
245. SU10 Risk Is it in you – 31 slides PPT
246. SU11 Inspirational story of the Butterfly – 13 slides PPT

247. TM1 Effective Time Management – 24 slides PPT
248. TM2 Time Management Strategies – 30 slides PPT
249. TM3 Top Time Wasters in Prof.Life & How to overcome – 22 slides PPT
250. TM4 Procrastination A Disease of Time Mgt – 13 slides PPT
251. TM5 Myths of Time Management – 10 slides PPT
252. TM6 Pre & Post Training Time Management Questionnaire – Questionnaire
253. TM7 Post Training Evaluation of participant by Manager – Evaluation
254. TM8 Time Management Auditing Exercise – Exercise
255. TM9 Profile of Time Wasters – Exercise
256. TM10 Who is Controlling your Time Management Exercise – Exercise
257. TM11 How you Spend your Time & Skills Set Time Management Exercise – Exercise
258. TM12 Check your Time Management Exercise – Exercise
259. TM13 Urgent vs. Important Time Management Exercise – Exercise
260. TM14 The Urgency Index Time Management Exercise – Exercise
261. TM15 What is your Working Style Time Management Exercise – Exercise
262. TM16 Time Log & 4 Quadrants Worksheet – Worksheet
263. TM17 The Frustrated Supervisor Time Management Case Study – Case Study
264. TM18 Time Management Cases – Case Study
265. TM19 Important and Urgent Time Management Activity – Activity

266. TTT1 Train the Trainer – 57 slides PPT
267. TTT2 How to Analyze Plan Design and Develop an Effective Training Program – 21 slides PPT
268. TTT3 35-Commandments-Qualities & Traits Essential for a Trainer – 37 slides PPT
269. TTT4 The Effective Teacher from Good to Great – 28 slides PPT
270. TTT5 Train the Trainer – Trainers Assessment – Assessment

271. TTTG1 Tips for Trainer to conduct Training Games and Activities- PDF
272. TTTG2 100 Energizing Ice Breakers for all occasions – PDF
273. TTTG3 Five Training Activities for Team Work – PDF
274. TTTG4 Five Training Activities for Communication SkillS – PDF

275. TTTS1 Stories for Trainers Learning from Wisdom Stories – PDF
276. TTTS2 Stories for Trainers Learning from Animals – PDF
277. TTTS3 Fifty Motivational & Inspirational Stories that Coach – PDF
278. TTTS4 Short Stories with Wisdom – 15 slides PPT

279. TW1 Synergy Creates Energy Working Together as a Team – 51 slides PPT
280. TW2 Building Stronger & Successful Teams – 26 slides PPT
281. TW3 Building Team Trust & Team Performance – 34 slides PPT
282. TW4 Unleashing Synergy through Team Working – 29 slides PPT
283. TW5 Inspirational Team Work Posters – 17 slides PPT
284. TW6 Ten Commandments for Collaborative Team Work – 19 slides PPT
285. TW7 Team Stages Evolution – Questionnaire
286. TW8 Teamwork Case Studies – Case Study
287. TW9 Johari Window Blind Spots Teamwork Activity – Activity

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About Shabbar Suterwala

With 25+ years of Experience as Corporate Soft-Skills Trainer, have Designed, Developed & Conducted numerous Soft Skills Training Programs, Workshops & Seminars for various Corporate Organizations & Institutions, Colleges and Private Institutions in India, USA, UAE, Kuwait, France, Tanzania, Nairobi, Srilanka, Thailand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Madagascar & Mauritius.